Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Georgia Peach

You may remember my posts about a guy named Glen Starnes, aka Scott Starnes, aka Glen Scott Starnes. He ranked (and still does) as a minor league D.I.G. Have a read (click, then scroll down a bit) before you continue. He’s a real piece of work.

Today, the Newnan Times Herald (Newnan, Georgia) reported that Mr. Starnes resigned from his position as City Manager of Grantville, Georgia after having been arrested for buying marijuana following a four-week investigation.

I consider this resignation a validation of my (and others’) contention that Mr. Starnes is a crook and a liar. I also declare this a victory for the good guys, because this disgrace of a human being was stopped before he got to big-league politics, a sure dream of the good “Doctor’s.”

Starnes is a deceitful, despicable excuse for a citizen and a human being.

Post Script: I received the following email from Mr. Starnes back in May in response to the tiny bit of attention my humble blog paid him. I find it quite ironic. Click it to make it big, baby:


Tom Harper said...

Unfortunately for sleazebags (and fortunately for the rest of us) it's getting harder to make false statements on a resume without getting caught. With the Intertubes and other instant communications, it's just too easy to check up on things.

Good riddance to another dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Your desire to print information before all the facts are known is just like the national news media. YOU LIE AS MUCH AS ANY of your DIG's You and your website should be listed as the number one DUMBASS.

Anonymous said...

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