Sunday, June 27, 2010

Army Strong

Today’s Dumbass – General Charles C. Campbell, decided not to send out letters of reprimand to Army officers responsible for piss-poor planning prior to the battle of Wanat (Afghanistan) that resulted in the deaths of nine US soldiers and the wounding of 27.

Letters of reprimand are effectively career-enders for officers. The initial inquiry was performed by Marine Corps Lieutenant General Richard Natonski, who was a commander in Fallujah. He found the field commanders at fault and made the recommendation for letters of reprimand. General Patraeus approved the findings. Campbell has never commanded troops in combat.

If you know nothing else of this case, know that the commanders had these guys set up a camp near the bottom of a valley, which was surrounded by huge mountains. Also know that warnings by villagers that the Taliban were near were ignored. The troops were undersupplied, and never received building material they were supposed to receive.

Fuck you, General. Fuck you.

1 comment:

JKR said...

I agree. Really, fuck you general. I hope you rot in hell.