Saturday, June 05, 2010

Double Header

"We already got one raghead in the White House; we don't need a raghead in the governor's mansion." - Senator John M. “Jake” Knotts, South Carolina Republican (go figure) state senator, referring to a Palin-endorsed (yuck!) political candidate named Nikki Haley, a Christian of Indian descent.

In response, John M. “Lard Ass” Knotts said “"Bear in mind that this is a freewheeling, anything-goes Internet radio show that is broadcast from a pub. It's like a local political version of 'Saturday Night Live.' Since my intended humorous context was lost in translation, I apologize. I still believe Ms. Haley is pretending to be someone she is not, much as Obama did, but I apologize to both for an unintended slur."

Unintended? Next thing you know, he’ll be claiming to have acute racial-epithet Tourrette Syndrome.

People like this piece of shit have no business in public service.

Speaking of knuckle-dragging, racist dim-wits:

“The Nazi comments... they are awful. Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that... and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced." – Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

Funny thing about that claim is that Brewer’s father wasn’t in the military, and died ten years after World War II ended. Her claims, as reported in the Seattle Post Intelligencer, that she didn’t attempt to mislead anyone, and that she was being pegged as a liar are sad. She is a liar. Her father’s civil service is commendable, but he sure as hell didn’t fight the Nazis.


Tom Harper said...

Lard Ass Knotts also said "we're at war with those people" during his "raghead" speech. We're at war with India? How'd I miss that one?

. said...

People in the public eye really need to come to terms that lying is not longer an option if they wish not to get caught. The internet and mass use of cameras has destroyed any hopes of forging the truth.