Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When The Going Gets Tough - The Tough(?) Wanna Quit

If the military wanted General Stanley McChrystal to have a public opinion, they would’ve issued him one. I heard variations of that for years during my 21yrs in the military. Apparently he didn’t.

General McChrystal and his aides should have kept their big fucking mouths shut. In the military, you don’t have to agree with your Commander in Chief; you just have to do what he says and shut the fuck up. Really.

I have absolutely no respect for this man. Not only because he set a piss-poor example as a leader for his thousands upon thousands of subordinates, but because – once busted for his commentary – he immediately offered his resignation. The word pansy comes to mind.

When I was coming up in the military, if you screwed up, you owned up to it, took (or received) corrective action and moved the fuck on. Errors in judgment are nothing new for the military or humankind.

McChrystal needs to speak to his troops and tell them his conduct was reprehensible and not in keeping with the traditions and honor of the US military. Then, he needs to take his medicine, preferably in the form of a punitive letter of reprimand from the Secretary of Defense. This should be immediately followed by a no-confidence relief of command, and his retirement.

Those who contend he’s irreplaceable (and I’ve heard a few talking heads mention it already), are full of shit. No one in the military is irreplaceable. No one.

1 comment:

Tom Harper said...

It's the next day now, and he's gone. There was nothing else Obama could have done. If McChrystal had gotten away with this, it would be an insult to the millions of enlisted personnel who've been restricted to the ship (or the base), or worse, for disobeying/disrespecting a superior.