Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dumbass Down!

Dumbass extraordinaire Jeff Cox lost his job as a deputy attorney general for the great state of Indiana. Why? Because he said things (related to the protests in Wisconsin) like, “Use live ammunition” and "You're damn right I advocate deadly force,"

He defended those, and other statements, by saying his remarks were intended to be satirical. Satirical? Oh, so you were a state deputy satirist, not a state deputy attorney general? Jonathan Swift is rolling in his fucking grave.

Cox also said his comments were not meant to be taken literally (“…and I don't think any reasonable person would conclude otherwise.”), and that everything has been blown out of proportion. Hey Jeffy: I’m a reasonable person, and I think you’re fucking nuts. How the hell else is one supposed to take statements like that?

In the end, this moron is out of a government job. This is good. Someone with that kind of deference to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and who is that quick to advocate violent repression has no place in public service. Further, this human being is as unpatriotic, and dangerous as they get.


Tom Harper said...

I was planning to do a post about Jeff Cox when I first saw that story. It probably would've been my profanest name-callingest post yet. But when I checked the news story later that day, he had already resigned; so I didn't bother.

If he has to fill out a job application, I'd love to see what he puts in the "reason for leaving previous employer" section.

Carlos said...

It's never too late to call an idiot an idiot. Don't let time soften your desire to give him a good bludgeoning ;-)