Then, after getting ass-fucked by veterans advocacy groups like the VFW, the National Veterans Foundation, the Disabled American Veterans, Veterans for Common Sense, and VoteVets.org, she had a change of heart, and posted this, among other things, on her web site:
“The problem of government spending must be solved, but not on the backs of our nation’s war heroes.”
At one point she thought it was perfectly fine to fuck disabled veterans out of their benefits. Backing out of a piss-poor idea by trying to come off like she’s pro-veteran is insincerity and hypocrisy at its very worst. What a sanctimonious twat.
Worse yet is that this anti-handout, anti-socialist, festering gutter skank has never once offered to give up or pay back her federal farm subsidies! Wow. That is fucking stupefyingly unbelievable! Yet it isn’t.
As a retired, disabled veteran and taxpayer, I say this to you, Ms. Bachmann: Fuck you, you fucking fuck!
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