Representative, and dumbass extraordinaire, Steve Womack (R – Arkansas) put forth and amendment to the budget to cut funding for President Obama’s teleprompter.
Really? Are you fucking kidding me? I wonder how much taxpayer money Womack wasted in money and man-hours on this little theatrical goat rope.
While we’re wasting billions of dollars a day in the Middle East, these fucking Right-Wing retards are worried about shit like this. Wow.
I wrote my congressmen to whine about this kind of idiotic theater. Will you?
I wonder how many jobs got created by Steve Womack's little game. I seem to remember "creating jobs" was the GOP's endless soundbite last November. Where are they?
He's a piece of work. The responses I got back from my corporate whores, er, congressmen was a canned "we're as concerned about the out-of-control spending as you..."
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