That’s the campaign slogan of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mike McCalister. That being said, Here are some tidbits from his life:
- He’s a retired Army reserve Colonel. Retired. Reserve – True.
- He claimed he participated in black ops and testified before Congress – False.
- Says he never said he testified before Congress – False.
- Said, "If there was any misrepresentation, I accept responsibility” – So much for integrity and honor.
- His web site used to describe him as a “retired Special Operations Colonel” – False
- Never said he was a reservist – True. That pre-Gulf War reserve duty was a hell of a lot different than it is now. Big difference from active duty, and a big difference from today's reserve duty.
- Said he was a war college graduate. Readers assume it was the Army War College. Nope. He “attended” the Air Force War College distance-learning program.
- Said he needed a Top Secret security clearance to attend – False. Why the fuck would you need a Top Secret clearance to do an on-line distance learning course over the UNCLASSIFIED Internet.
- Misrepresented his work for prescription drug company Ventiv Pharma "I've worked in healthcare for many years” and "I've worked with every teaching hospital in Florida and every medical school,” never mentioning his employer.
- Says he’s a small businessman. He owns a palm tree farm from which he’s sold ZERO product – True.
- Collects $940 a year in an agricultural property-tax break because of his “business” – True.
- Feels guilty about taking taxpayer money for a business that really isn’t a business – Not likely.
Amazing. What a disgrace, fraud, and liar.
A couple of links:
This guy will fit right in with all the rest of the sleazes in the Senate.
Truth is not a concern anymore. Rushpubliscums lie, and Rushpubliscum voters don't care. You can do whatever you want to do if the consequences don't exist.
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