The San Antonio District Attorney’s office says this:
--Ralphy boy accepted a trip to Costa Rica as a gift.
--This gift was from a company recently hired by Lopez to run the county jail commissaries (a $2M annual gig).
--Ralphy broke the law by not reporting the gift.
But, thank God, Ralphy’s attorney told inquirers, “He strongly feels that he is innocent, and he's done nothing wrong.” No shit? Wow. That’s bitchin’. I’m going write someone and urge they drop the indictment against him because he feels so strongly about his innocence. While I’m at it, I think I’ll take a poll of county jail inmates and see how many of them feel strongly that they’re innocent and have done nothing wrong.
Ralphy’s attorney says there were legitimate business reasons for taking the trip to Costa Fucking Rica. You’re kidding me right? What business could a sheriff in Texas have to tend to in Central America? Wikipedia sez electronics, pharmaceuticals, financial outsourcing, software development, and ecotourism have become the country’s prime industries. I wonder if he was going down there to research new Erectile Dysfunction Disorder medicines for the county’s health benefits plan.
I say fire his ass on the spot. Public servants, especially those serving in law enforcement or legal capacities, should serve and act beyond reproach.
The mere appearance of impropriety must be avoided at all times. It’s pretty simple dumbass.
Who cares about some podunk Texas sheriff taking a trip to Costa Rica, the bigger problem is congressmen taking trips to Costa Rica courtesy of health insurance companies. Or in some cases legalizing warrantless wiretapping just so they can go on vacation without the president being unhappy.
I care about this dumb fucking ass in government. Right now he is taking my taxes and making a mockery of his job. It all starts at home. Even if he is not a federal worker he takes money from the average citizen and laughs all the way to the bank.
We expect our elected officials to do the job they were elected to do for the pay they agreed to do it for. If they feel they need more money than the job is going to pay, they shouldn't run for the position. I personally feel elected officials shouldn't be paid a dime. It should be an honor to be elected to represent your peers. Throw the frigging book at the guy.
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