President's Day
George W. Bush, the Grand Piece of Shit he is, had the nerve "to
remind people that there is evil and [sic] the world and that evil must be confronted" while visiting Rwanda this week.

He was so overwhelmed by the murder of 800,000 Rwandans that he waited a mere 14 years to cough up $100,000,000 in aid! What a guy.
I said it once, and I'll say it again: George W. Bush will be remembered as the worst US president of this century (and there's a lot left of it!).
There is TOO MUCH left of it. Something like 310 days? That's plenty of time for Bush and Dangerous Dick to end the United States as we know it. And I happen to believe they hate America as it is, and that they have all kinds of ways they would like to make it "better".
When Bush talks about "evil" he is talking about a mostly subjective term, in my opinion, and that the term "evil" is just about always used in combination with "good", spoken or unspoken, in religious terms. I can say I believe people like Hitler and Idi Amin might have been evil, but I am not a religious person and I tend to think of them more as people who were extremely mentally ill and who managed somehow to achieve great deals of power. I can see Kim Jung Il in the same way. So yes, evil if you will, but I would probably think of them more like "about as bad as you can get". But that's just my way of looking at things.
Anyway, I hope with all my heart that our next president is not a religious fanatic, and the signs look good for that so far.
I hope so too Snave. I really do. The damage done to this country and its constitution by another four years of Republican idiocy might be insurmountable. I truly believe that.
Oh, and thanks for dropping by. I haven't had this much activity on this blog since....well...I don't think I have :-)
Look at the picture and then tell me again why people do drugs.
How right you are!
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