Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Miss Spoke

"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." Hillary Clinton, 17 March 2008

Picture of the team "running" for cover under fire.

"I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement," she said. - Hillary Clinton - Week of 24 March 2008

How exactly does one misspeak about getting shot at and running for your life? You either did, or you did not. I had an M-1 carbine leveled at me by a Hatian Army trooper back in 1983 while driving in a cab up to the Barbancourt rum factory. I'll never forget it - or the smell and look of the floor of the back seat of the cab.
How disappointing.


Tom Harper said...

I think Hillary has turned into such a caricature; I can't imagine why anyone would vote for her. She's even been schmoozing with Richard Mellon Scaife. He's the lynchpin of that "vast rightwing conspiracy" she was complaining about all through the '90s.

What has she devolved into? "Mis-spoke" LOL.

Snave said...

Scheise... Scaife? He is one of the worst of the very worst. Like her husband, Hillary is trying to be all things to all people. And if there is money involved, she is doing what all politicians do, although that doesn't excuse her for insulting those who have worn uniforms and died for their countries in military endeavors. I hope this one comes back to bite her on the ass, repeatedly.

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