Republican Senator and pussy Judd Gregg did just that. I’ve been stewing about this for almost a month now. Gregg removed himself cut and ran from consideration as Commerce Secretary,
citing opposition to the Obama Administration’s ideas for the recovery our nation’s economy.
This pansy’s party is the same one that routinely condemns anyone who doesn’t support war, killing and mayhem in “the Eye-rack - everywhere like such as.” Instead, they accuse anyone who is against war as someone who wants to “cut and run.” Peace lovers are un-American and un-patriotic. Pfft! Whatever. Fuck them.
Call me crazy, but dontcha think it would’ve served the Republican Party better if Gregg had stayed? Wouldn’t it have been smarter to serve the bigger picture? If I were selected to serve in an opposing party’s administration I’d jump at it, despite philosophical differences. The way I see it, any influence I might have on the opposition, to sway them even a little bitsy bit to my side of the political fence, is just better for my party and better for the country.
In summary, Gregg is a short-sighted, opportunistic pussy pretending to have political and fiscal ethics.

This pansy’s party is the same one that routinely condemns anyone who doesn’t support war, killing and mayhem in “the Eye-rack - everywhere like such as.” Instead, they accuse anyone who is against war as someone who wants to “cut and run.” Peace lovers are un-American and un-patriotic. Pfft! Whatever. Fuck them.
Call me crazy, but dontcha think it would’ve served the Republican Party better if Gregg had stayed? Wouldn’t it have been smarter to serve the bigger picture? If I were selected to serve in an opposing party’s administration I’d jump at it, despite philosophical differences. The way I see it, any influence I might have on the opposition, to sway them even a little bitsy bit to my side of the political fence, is just better for my party and better for the country.
In summary, Gregg is a short-sighted, opportunistic pussy pretending to have political and fiscal ethics.
Remember how some on the right of the political fence implored us to all support the president, no matter our political views? Do ya? Huh? And remember how those of us who were against the war were branded as un-American and such because we weren’t supporting our president during a time of crisis? I do. Now think about how that same political ilk is supporting our current president, who's dealing with even more than Bush did - and he didn't even cause any of it! Right! They’re not! Virtually none of them. The hypocritical fucks.
The political slogans all changed last November. Now, every redblooded Patriotic American has a duty to shout "I hope Obama fails!"
Ain't that the truth. We're such short-sighted dumbasses ;-)
The title of this blog was supposed to be "Cut and Run." Not Judd Gregg, as it was when you commented. Probably made for a clunky intro to the piece.
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