Monday, July 22, 2013

King Dumbass

God, I hate John Boehner.

This past Sunday on Face the Nation idiot boy declined to take a position on immigration (“I can’t do that, and I don’t want to do that”), saying “If I come out and say, ‘I’m for this and I’m for that,’ all I’m doing is making my job harder.”  He also said his job was to “Facilitate a discussion and to facilitate a process so the American people can see what we’re doing and so the members understand that we’re dealing with this in a deliberative way…”

He says this, while taking hard-line positions vehemently opposing Obamacare and abortion.  Are you kidding me, you fucking hypocritical ass-wipe?
How do we let these fucks get away with this?  Why did Bob Schieffer let him slide?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The revolution is coming...The pressure cooker is just building up steam!