Friday, January 22, 2010

Mr. Brown

I’m curious to know where the Republican outrage is over Scott Brown’s election to Congress. What kind of moral tone does someone like this set? What kind of example is he to our children? I mean – the guy posed naked in Cosmopolitan magazine, and he voted against supplementing the income of Massachusetts Red Cross workers responding to the World Trade Center back in 2001.

What is he, a fucking commie? Oh wait, he drives a truck. That makes it okay. Oh, and he’s a Republican, so the same fucking standards applied to left-leaning people don’t apply. Where’s the howling about

I’m not going to pretend this is that big a deal in the big scheme of things politically, but I can’t help but bristle over the hypocrisy of Republican politicians and their ilk.

On the bright side, his state voting records indicate he:
- Supports consistent availability of abortion, albeit only in the first trimester except in the case of rape, incest, or the threat of the mother’s life.
- Supports maintaining (not increasing, but not cutting) education funding.
- Supports decreases in taxes.
- Is against prayer in school.
- Supports increasing teacher pay.
- Supports alternate fuel technology.
- Cleanup of former industrial and commercial sites that are contaminated.
- Supports citizens having access to basic health care through managed care, insurance reforms or state-funded care where necessary.
- Guaranteed medical care to all citizens is a responsibility of state government.
- Does not support limiting the amount of damages that can be awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.
- Supports providing tax incentives to businesses who hire welfare recipients.

But he’s against:
- Term limits.
- Limiting political contributions from any entity or person.
- Gay marriage.
- Lightening drug penalties.
- Concealed weapon bans.
- Background checks for potential gun buyers (WTF?)

Anyway..there’s more, but I gotta run.

1 comment:

Tom Harper said...

Damn, I didn't know he was so moderate. I didn't really pay much attention to that Massachusetts race until just a few days before the election when I found a bunch of negative stories about him at Think Progress. I'm glad he's moderate on some issues at least, since we're stuck with him now.