“One of my goals as a Senator is to confirm highly qualified judges by ensuring timely up-or-down votes for all nominees no matter who is President, no matter which party is in the majority. That is my commitment, and I have encouraged Senator Frist to consider all options, including the constitutional option, to end the undemocratic blockade of judicial nominees. Senators were elected to advise and consent, not to grandstand and obstruct.
“I would like to say something to my colleagues across the aisle. There is a reason George W. Bush was elected to serve as President of the United States. It is because the majority of Americans trusted him to nominate judges.”
This is the same guy who has had a legislative hold on one of President Obama's D.C Superior Court Nominee Marisa DeMeo since March of 2009.
DeMint also opposed the nomination of Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor because of her "wise Latina" remark. He was afraid that was an indication she'd decide cases based on her personal views and not the law. Kinda like fucking politicians, right?
And while we're on the subject of DeMint Dumbassery, here's an old favorite of mine. Tent of freedom???
Thanks for the link, and for the YouTube. That's the first time I've ever heard DeMint speak. He does more damage to himself than a whole army of bloggers could ever do.
"Freedom," "Big Tent" and "Limited Government" -- oh OK, I get it now. Now that he's gone into such explicit detail about his specific plans and how to carry them out, I know exactly what he stands for.
Where is the post about Mr Corpseman
Tom: You're welcome. It's amazing to me that people voted for this guy. The guy is amazing.
Gator: Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?
I have a blog you might like. They didn't vote for Brown they voted against the progressive Democrats.
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