Thursday, April 29, 2010

Riddle Me This, Dumbass

So now Texas fascist Republican politicians are planning to introduce an Arizona-like law that’ll give law enforcement personnel the authority to pull anyone over and demand proof of citizenship on a whim.

Today, Super Dumbass and Republican State Representative Debbie Riddle said, through her botox-injected face and false teeth: "The citizens are sick and tired of political correctness; they want to take their country back.”

Wow. Fuck you.

I’m all for fixing illegal immigration, but the way these right-wing, moron fucks are proposing it be done is just in-fucking-sane. The important points of this debate are, in my opinion:

- How can you tell visually that someone is illegally in this country? You can't.

- A driver license is not proof of citizenship. I couldn't use it to prove my citizenship to get my gov’t job or to travel from country to country; I had to show my passport. Requiring people to carry around "zher paypahss!" is insane.

- Cops can't pull people over because they look like they may have drugs on them or because they look like criminals - there has to be probable cause BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY TO VISUALLY IDENTIFY A CRIMINAL WITHOUT IT.

- You cannot establish valid and logical probable cause based on the way someone looks or dresses unless, of course, they just robbed a clown suit store and are running down the street in clown makeup and a brand new clown suit with fucking tags flailing in the wind.

Fuck me. What the hell is this country turning into? Oh, and fuck you to (again) Ms. Riddle.


Tom Harper said...

"Taking our country back" has to be the most over-used annoying cliche of the new decade. If these rightwing nutcases had IQs higher than their shoe sizes, they might get a clue how redundant and stupid they sound.

Anonymous said...

It is truly embarrassing that this woman is A.) American and B.) Eligible to spread her ignorance on national television.

She has helped me to understand a new level of stupidity that I did not previously believe existed.

Riddle, do everyone a favor and cut your own tongue out.

Anonymous said...

lol, wow im so embarrassed this crazy botox bitch is my represenative. It's obvious that shes suffering from reaction formation. Im pretty sure her landscaper, and housekeeper are immigrants. Now she's targeting middle easterners saying that their "terror babies" will harm the US.