Monday, November 29, 2010


I snipped this out of this article on Yahoo regarding Obama’s freeze on federal pay raises…

“The proposal, which must be approved by Congress, would not apply to the military, but it would affect all others on the Executive Branch payroll. It would not affect members of Congress or their staffs, defense contractors, postal workers or federal court judges and workers.”

Congress, contractors and federal court judges get a pass? Really? That’s just obscene. Congressmen are supposed to be our representatives. I know, I know…That fad ended years ago, but humor me.

Not only are our government servants supposed to serve us, they’re also supposed to be our leaders. And leaders are supposed to lead by example. Here’s what I think:

- Those in Congress with a net worth over a certain dollar amount should forego a large percentage (or all) of their congressional salary. And pensions – they should be commensurate with the time they actually serve in Congress. I did 21 years in the military before I started collecting my pension. And I actually fucking worked the whole time. These pampered fucks need to tighten their god damned belts too. And their health care plans should be on the open market. Period. No gov’t provided healthcare for them. ESPECIALLY anti-healthcare reform Republicans! Maybe that would motivate them to give a fuck about healthcare reform.

- Federal judges, who make an ass load of money to begin with, should abso-fucking-lutely not be exempt from a pay freeze. I think they’ll be able to do without getting their laundry done by a servant or having their Mercedes hand-washed. Really.

- And contractors. They get paid a lot. Not necessarily the worker bees, but the companies in general. The worker bees get but a fraction of what the government pays the company for the services being provided. The Secretary of Defense already has an initiative to reduce contractor presence in government by ten or so percent; why the fuck not start scaling some of them back? Military bases that have contract housekeepers and dining facilities should go back to having the junior enlisted folk do the cleaning and cooking.

There are so many little things the gov’t can do to save money. If every federal employee did a little less spending, a little less bullshitting around on the clock, and a little more to be efficient and not wasteful, that’d likely add up to a lot of moolah. Really.

Obama said, "’Getting this deficit under control is going to require some broad sacrifice, and that sacrifice must be shared by the employees of the federal government.’ He said he was just asking civil servants ‘to do what they've always done -- play their part.’"
Call on Congress, judges and federal contractors to do the same then. Shit.

Here’s an easy, novel, money-saving idea, Mr. President – Get the fuck out of the Middle East once and for all.

I’m writing my congressfucks tomorrow morning to bitch. Fret not – I’ll be a little more cordial than I am here.

1 comment:

Tom Harper said...

Judges and congress critters should most assuredly get huge pay cuts. They might make smarter decisions if they had to live with the results.

And the same health coverage system, whatever it is, should apply to everyone from the POTUS on down. Single payer, public option, free-market sink-or-swim let-the-buyer-beware -- everyone in the country should be subject to the same coverage (or lack thereof).