You see, LTC Lakin was a Birther and didn’t believe he should have to follow the orders of an invalid president. I can’t help but wonder if he ever questioned the citizenship or valid election of good ol’ governor Bush.
Lakin's attorney, Neal Pucket, asked the jury to "Consider Lakin's wife and two children at Christmas and said he should be allowed to stay in the Army because of his value as a doctor." (Source). Perhaps the good LTC should have thought of his family before he decided to betray his oath and Constitutional duties to the United States. Nice try Mr. Neal.
Of course, knowing our US Officer Corps, he’ll likely get off on appeal, but I’ll hold out hope that this deserter’s sentence is upheld.
To LTC Lakin, I say this: You’re a dumbass and an embarrassment to the uniform of the military services of the United States. Take your punishment like a man and live with the consequences of your decisions.
I'm surprised the Rightwingers aren't calling for him to be executed for desertion. Or maybe conservatives only hate those conscientious objectors who are morally opposed to violence. For bigots, they have a much more lenient standard.
Whats surprising, or maybe not, is the number of fools who still insist that Obama isn't a citizen of the US.
I'm really concerned for the future of a country who has so many people so easily duped. So many people so easily led to believe really stupid things.
They hate Obama, so they turn off their brains anytime his name comes up. This is why Fox News is so popular. So many people who are willing to suspend disbelief for the major portion of their life.
This is the reason the US is so screwed up. Because a large portion of the public would rather be spoon fed propaganda and out right lies then to spend even a few seconds using the brain God and their parents gave them.
I ask you, what kind of moron deliberately stops using his/her brain?
good article. fm me! yellehs
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