So I was feeling a little masochistic this morning and decided to peruse VP Pence’s Twitter feed. I hate to admit I was surprised because, despite his awful politics, he seemed a little more measured and thoughtful than Herr Trump. But…I can admit that I’m wrong when I’m wrong, and boy was I wrong. This clown is as divisive and caustic as Mr. Trump. Here are a few examples.
In one post, he placed a couple of pics of the idiots in Berkeley vandalizing property and generally behaving like idiots. To that Pence said, “Liberals say "Trump will destroy America." but according to this pictures they're the ones doing it.” This, from the party that derides blacks when they express their distrust and fear of the police by saying, “One bad cop doesn’t mean all cops are bad,” and that kind of stuff that most people get.
In another post he says, “It's so cold in Washington D. C. today that I've seen liberals with their hands in their own pockets.” Holy sheep shit! Really? Not only is that a lame, old joke – It’s really quite hypocritical coming from the party of graft, blowing lobbyists, and People United.
Then he tries to honor slain former Army Sniper Chris Kyle by posting a meme with the following text:
It takes 43 muscles to frown, and 17 muscles to smile, but only 3 for a sniper to pull the trigger. RIP Chris Kyle, 1974-2013. While I absolutely respect and admire every person who joins the military and serves their country, I take issue with Pence’s “tribute.” What Christ Kyle did in the military was his job. He happened to be very good at it, but he was more than a sniper. He was a father, a husband, a son, and probably a pretty damned good citizen and person. Why the Right continues to perpetuate a society of firearms, killing and death is beyond me, and this narrow tribute does nothing to honor the man, and disrespects him in my opinion.
And finally (Because I’m getting tired of reading his bullshit), he posts, “Here is the Video of 2006 were 45 Democrats Helped Unanimously Confirm #NeilGorsuch (incl. @SenSchumer, and Obama).” They helped confirm Gorsuch as a U.S. Circuit judge. A video is included. The sad part about this is that, while he knows God damned well the Right did the exact same thing with Merrick Garland, it is totally lost with [probably] most of his and Trump’s loyal followers, who don’t have time to research facts or history. They believe only their Dear Leader and their talking automatons.
Okay, one more. This one nearly made me choke on my coffee: “Most Americans support Trump's Refugee ban, The protests are only by the radical left who love terrorism.”
What strikes me most about this administration is that, despite Trump’s promise to work for all citizens and the whole country, they are clearly not demonstrating that by a long shot. They continue to divide, needle, and deride anyone who disagrees with them politically. These times are so much more than simple political differences. It’s about finding common ground and bringing the citizens of this country to a place where they agree on a compromise. We were not a country built on a “my way or the highway” philosophy. We were born of the people, by the people, and for the people.
It's the responsibility of our public servants to serve us – All of us. Where we disagree, we compromise. We have to, or we’ll live in strife and unrest until a leader gets elected that is truly a leader. We certainly don’t have any in this administration. The divisive rhetoric and unilateral upheaval of policies and ideals does nothing to improve our way of life and the prospects of a stable, happy future.
#TheResistance #NeilGorsuch #SenSchumer #ChuckSchumer #VP #MikePence #VPOTUS #Divisiveness #Trump #DonaldTrump
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