Tuesday, October 24, 2006

General Commentary

I can understand that a politician or, in this case, an administration might want to stop using a particular phrase, buzzword, etc.

But answer me this: Why is it that the Bush White House decided they had to announce their cessation of using the phrase “stay the course”?

Couldn’t they have just stopped using it without the fanfare? It seems overly political and somewhat conniving that they made an official announcement (and how stupid are reporters asking them why they made the change?).

More importantly, if the administration is only now understanding that “staying the course” in Iraq without conceding that there is, and always has been, good reason to revisit strategy and previous decisions, I’m at a loss, and am worried about the sincerity of politicians who claim their first responsibility is to our country and its people.

What is so godforsaken hard about seeing that something isn’t going as anticipated and then changing your fucking mind? People do it every day for crying out loud.

It would have been oh so refreshing if they would’ve just come out (a couple of years or so ago even) and said that initial assessments of how long and how intensively we’d be involved in the Middle East needed to be revisited…and then actually changed their fucking course. Wow. Would that have been the shit? I think so…for any politician of any political party.

God forbid someone make a mistake or an error in judgment. I’ve made mistakes all my life; some minor, some not so minor; and guess what…I didn’t need a political spin machine/PR firm to tell me how to own up to the mistakes and change my motherfuckin’ mind.

Sadly, this is all simply pre-election hijinks aimed at changing the minds of voters who question Bush’s inflexibility with regard to the war in Iraq. I've got news for you clowns in DC: there's one voter in San Antonio who ain't so damned stupid that he can't see through the bullshit.

In the coming weeks, don’t go out and vote for the same old face whose party (either one) has been bending you over and pounding you like a skinny, milky white prison bitch for decades. Vote for someone whose past you’ve researched. Fuck the political advertisements and talking heads. Do your own research. Use diverse sources of information; not just the sources of information that lean toward your party’s agenda/beliefs.

That is all

1 comment:

We sing we dance we steal things said...

You forgot to ad that the whole reason for going in was a lie to begin with. That being the case it would be a bit hard to stay on task, when you really don't have much of one other than figuring out how to control the oil over there.
These dumb ass voters will listen to the lies and vote the same fucks right back in.
Great post by the way.