Friday, October 06, 2006

Ted Stevens

Network Neutrality. If you haven’t heard of this issue just yet, there’s a ton of information that can be had through Google.

Network Neutrality refers to the Internet and other networks. A neutral Internet (etc.) means that no one entity or company gets more bandwidth than another.

Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) is an opponent of Network Neutrality. One would think that, because he’s the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, he’d have a pretty good reason for opposing it. Unfortunately, the guy is about as technically competent as my wiener dog and his wiener dog technical advisers.

Jon Stewart did a piece on the whole Network Neutrality thing…and a little about online gambling. Enjoy.

Here’s a Wikipedia entry about ol’ Ted. He’s the “Bridge to Nowhere” guy; the guy who said he’d resign if his “Bridge to Nowhere money was redirected to rebuild New Orleans.

Anyway…do some research, write your representatives, and tell them what you want.


1 comment:

We sing we dance we steal things said...

This guy even looks like the freak he is.