He hired a girl employed by an escort service to give him a massage, and all these mean people and reporters don’t believe him. I mean, who in their right mind would hire a licensed massage therapist to soothe their aching muscles.
I guess the abstinence and faithfulness in marriage he spewed as our beloved “Aids Czar” didn’t apply to him.
He’s leaving for “personal reasons” now. I’m guessing those personal reasons might have something to do with him trying to explain why he hired a hooker and not a massage therapist to massage his, um, muscle.
Fuckin’ dumbass.
crackin' me up with this post, Carlos.
Randy Tobias was been front-page news for nearly a week (might still be...I got sick of the front page). btw, he used to be the CEO for Lilly Pharmaceuticals...you'd think such a person would have better, uh, connections?
He's so sleeping on the couch for the rest of the year, I bet ;)
I'd venture to guess he may just have the rest of the month on the couch. Maybe his "massage therapist" has a more comfy one. ;-)
I'm sure before this is all over a lot more D.I.G.s will be identified, unless they can pull some strings (more money) to keep her out of jail.
I feel his pain.
lol @ the "comfy" sofa comment, Carlos!
(and thanks for checkin' in on me!)
Makes me want to puke!
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