Saturday, January 19, 2008

In Other Texas Political News…

Would you vote for a politician who had a photograph of his head superimposed onto the body of a thinner person for inclusion in campaign literature? Yeah. Me either.

Seems I’ve discovered yet another dumbass in Texas: Dean Hrbacek – a Republican candidate for the US Congress. Of course, he says it was a mistake, and accepts full responsibility for the act of deception.

Responsibility-accepting in politics is so very, very cliché. It doesn’t work for me, and probably doesn’t for others with more than six ounces of brain matter and common sense. It might, however, if the contriteness was sincere – but the fact of the matter is that most politicians are awful actors, and pathological liars. You know – kinda like those grief-stricken people interviewed on the ol' teevee who bawl their eyes out, with nary a tear being squirted outta they faces.

Voters: Please don’t send this guy to Washington. There are already enough crooks and fibbers up there. Besides, D.C. might fall into the Ocean, not to mention perpetuate The Raping of America.



We sing we dance we steal things said...

How can you accidentally cut, copy and paste your head on someone else's (better looking) body!!!

Carlos said...

LOL. Yeah. "Oops, I tripped over an ant hill and accidentally Photoshopped my congressman's picture. The fucks.