One day Glenny decided to fire a couple of folks from the Human Relations department of the city. The reason? Falsifying Information.
Then one day recently it came to light that Little Glenny had lied on his resume. According to the San Antonio Express News, he admitted lying about only ONE thing on his resume during a speech. The San Antonio Express News, on the other hand, found that the entire document was fictional, including: Doctorate degree; service as Assistant City Manager in Converse, Texas; and serving as an aide to a Houston congressman.
This is exactly the kind of dumbass we need to drum out of politics. If we don’t do it at the local level, they’ll grow up and become big dumbasses serving in our federal government.
What disturbs me about this whole story is that the Eagle Pass City Council’s initial response was to unanimously back little Glenny. In addition to that, there are citizens of Eagle Pass who are torn about whether to support his idiot.
Call me crazy, but a public servant who blatantly and admittedly lies on his resume to get a job serving the people should be terminated without question. It’s pretty simple people.
Fortunately, the mayor of Eagle Pass is leaning toward firing Glenny.
Good riddance, DUMBASS!
09 January 2008 (Express News)
KBMT Story (Dead Link)
11 January 2008 Editorial (Express News)
Unfortunately, there isn’t a web version of the 13 January 2008 story from which I got my information today.
KBMT Story (Dead Link)
11 January 2008 Editorial (Express News)
Unfortunately, there isn’t a web version of the 13 January 2008 story from which I got my information today.
The guy's a fuckin' idiot, so are the members of the council who want to keep him. They are the epitome of "ignant". Then you have a City Mayor sittin' thar in his nifty cowboy hat during an official city council meeting. Cheese & rice!
Amen! He really is an idiot and so are the members of the council. Not sure why I didn't think of that :-) Thanks for the vid link. I added it to the post.
The funny thing is that you can access his last 10 years of employment history using the FINRA BrokerCheck at nasd.com in about a couple of minutes (he's a registered rep, it's public info). You'll also find a judgment against him. It's hard to believe that nobody checked. It seems as though the guy has only worked as a mutual fund and life insurance peddler.
Anonymous - Not only that, but it shows he is behind on his Child Support...bad man!
I was hoping you had some new DIG stuff posted so I could get my fix.
Looks like they've been keeping you busy and I have some good reading material. The shit never stops... Should we still support him? How can this even be a question???
Bunny: Stupid is as stupid does! Same kinda folks that listen to talking heads and follow politicians without looking into or questioning anything say shit like that. ;-)
This information has been proven to be false and his firing politically motivated too bad all of you idiots beleived whatever you read in the paper--what a joke on you!@
Anonymous: I coulda sworn I saw video of Starnes admitting he'd falsified his resume. As a matter of fact, I'm sure I did. Plus, the other falsified sections of his resume were corroborated by multiple sources. Kinda coincidental, eh?
I believe the bigger dumbasses in government are the council members in Grantville (Georgia) that hired this con man as their new city manager.
How could elected city governemnt officials be so irresponsible with hiring this criminally convicted man to represent their citizens!
Talk about real dumbasses...Maverick County Court records show that Starnes plead guilty to the charge against him and the Texas Workforce Commission can't relase their findings without Starnes consent. Starnes won't relaese the findings because he knows facts conatined in those records will further prove what a real flake he is!
Ano Nymous: Thank you for posting!!!! I've noticed a lot of visitors to my site coming from Georgia over the past couple of days, and it was killing me that I couldn't figure out why (and I'm a pretty awesome Googler). I fully intend to post on this idiot and the morons who voted him into office without doing any research on him.
Again, thank you so much for posting. People like Starnes need not to be in our service. People like you need to keep on speaking up.
I hope to follow Starnes during is "Screwing America."
Thank you!
This is.. my dad..
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