The only reason this guy is on my radar is because I have a vivid recollection of his arrogance during an interview with a WOAI reporter in 2006. I recall his arrogance and his admission that he was using a city-provided computer during council meetings for personal business.
That’s business, as in another job – when he was supposed to be tending to the business of San Antonio – the sixth largest city in the nation.
Here’s what he told WOAI back in 2006:
“I sign on to my work e-mail and periodically check e-mails from the job that actually pays me”
He told the reporter he only checks it during “staff presentations he’s already heard.” Wolff went on to say, “I'm not doing e-mail when it is something I haven't heard before. Otherwise, if it is something I've heard before, you bet, I got to support myself and my family, so I gotta to keep up with work, as well.”
Great work ethic, eh? Maybe he ought not to have taken the fucking city council job if he couldn’t handle it.
Interestingly, Wolff is touting himself as a decorated veteran of the US Navy. Being a curious sort, I bounced over to his web site and read his bio.
“He was responsible for communications on board the U.S.S. Mahan DDG-42…”
Translation: He was a low ranking radioman that worked shifts (with a bunch of other guys) in a communications center. He was responsible for doing what he was told to do.
“When his ship crossed Qaddafi's "Line of Death" in the Gulf of Sidra, Wolff was awarded the Navy Expeditionary Medal for armed conflict against an enemy.”Translation: He was riding on the ship with 230 or so other guys when it crossed a line plotted on a chart. All 230-some-odd guys on the ship got the same medal.
Opinion: He did four years in the Navy and was honorably discharged, just like thousands of other guys and gals. To tout oneself as a “decorated veteran” when you really did nothing of note, is laughable, especially when one considers some of the heroism being perpetrated by soldiers and sailors in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Two months before 9/11, Wolff and his family relocated with Citigroup to New York City where he served as the Regional Human Resources Director. He assisted in the integration and counseling for Citigroup employees who lost family during the World Trade Center disaster.”
Opinion: Don’t be such a Giuliani, Wolffy. Riding on the coattails of a national tragedy is pathetic.
That is all.
If getting those decorations while he was in the Navy qualifies him to be a Bexar County commissioner then, dammit, I am qualified to be the Governor of Texas. What a fucking idiot - especially in a state with so many (and I mean many) military retirees and veterans who, I am sure, outshine his record easily!
It's too bad the title "America's Mayor" was already taken.
With his work ethic and arrogance toward taxpayers, this boy is going places.
Why are you guys such jerks. Obviously you have nothing better to do.
shelly - then grow some balls and run for governor. You're obviously qualified. you're the fucking idot.
Tom: He’ll win, I’m sure, because voters don’t care about bloated claims and the fact that he used city-purchased computer systems to tend to work another job.
Ano Nymous: I’ve got plenty better to do. You’re obviously a Wolff supporter; I’m curious to know why you don’t care about bloated claims regarding his military service and his misuse of city property. Sure – not huge, giant issues, but the foundation of arrogance and being above basic ethical principles is there, which isn’t something I look for in a public servant. Anyone who can blindly look beyond this without consideration is a fool.
Fuzzy: Now, now. Temper, temper.
Fuzzy & Anonymous: Instead of attacking facts by name-calling, I’d love to hear you defend his use of government computers for personal gain.
I’d also like to hear how his inflated claims regarding his military service qualify him for office. I did 21yrs in the military and I’ll betcha a shiny nickel my hero-package (medals/decorations) is way heavier than his. That hardly qualifies me to run for public office.
And how, pray tell, does the fact that he helped people following the 9/11 attack qualify him for this position he’s seeking? It doesn’t. Period.
I guess it all boils down to what anyone considers qualifications..."I can see Russia from my back porch" therefore you must be qualified in foreign relations. Uh, okay. "I am a decorated veteran" so I guess you are qualified and, better yet, suited for County Commissioner. How one of these "qualifications" has to do with the job descriptions beats the shit outta me. Like I said earlier - I have served time (20 yrs) in the military, received 2 AF Meritorious Service Medals, 2 AF Commendation Medals, 2 National Defense Medals, 3 long-tour Overseas Ribbons, 1 short-term Overseas Ribbon, and a cluster-fuck of others (another 11) - that DOES NOT qualify me for County Commissioner and if I were running I would not use that. Since I spent 12 years overseas and been to over 17 different countries, that does not mean I am an expert in foreign relations. (I do have to admit I have read the U.S. Constitution and all of its current and previously proposed amendments - so I do know what the job of Vice President is - there is a job description. Read, Sarah, read.) What surprises me is the fact that these people are crazy to think that anyone with some sort of intelligence would believe so.
So Carlos, I am curious to know what is your current opinion of him. I mean, after you have actually seen him in action now.
And a quick point on all the military stuff... most veterans are considered 'decorated.' I don't believe anyone who serves tries to boast about service - all I know is that he volunteered for it and I didn't. I respect all soldiers no matter what they do. Any one who is honorably discharged deserves respect. I wish you felt the same.
Sandollar: I haven't been following Mr. Wolff; however my opinions remain the same.
My opinion is that he referred to himself as "decorated" to inflate his status and importance. People who boast about their service or refer to themselves as "decorated," likely didn't do more than serve honorably and get awarded a few medals and ribbons. Don’t get me wrong – that’s fine, but possession of military decorations does not necessarily equal heroism or qualification for political office – especially when tooting one’s own horn. If Mr. Wolff were to have simply posted copies of citations of his personal awards (Commendations medals, achievement medals, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, Silver Star, etc.) that show his tenacity, work ethic, and achievements – sure. That might’ve been fine, because they may cumulatively show he is someone the public would want serving them. But to simply refer to himself as “decorated,” is dubious, especially after his comments regarding surfing the internet during City Council meetings when he was serving in that capacity.
I served for 21 years on active duty and have yet to refer to myself as “decorated.” Likewise, I’ve not heard any of my peer coworkers (fellow military retirees) refer to themselves as “decorated,” no matter how many medals and awards we have – and we all have pretty sizable “hero packages.” ;-)
Guy I know served on a ship in the Guld during the war. The Capt. sailed the boat 11.9 miles within the coast so they all could qualify for all the "combat" ribbons. My daughter in law did 2, 1 yr tours in Iraq and 1 in Afganistan. She was there for the first war and had scud missles flying overhead and got the same awards that the guy on the ship gotand brags about. Real men refer to them as: I WAS THERE AWARDS. Not "DECORATED". What a f**king joke.
Amen, Ano Nymous
Excellent comments and observations. As a resident of San Antonio whose vote will decide whether or not he is re-elected as County Commissioner to Precinct 3, I am offended as a 27 year Navy year veteran for him to proclaim himself as a "decorated Navy veteran" who was "awarded" the Navy Expeditionary Medal for crossing Gaddafi's line of death. Give me a break. He was crew aboard a Navy ship, on a routine patrol on their scheduled deployment and someone in the chain of command submitted the award recommendation and embellished their contribution to whatever crisis was happening at the time. You got the award with everyone else on the ship Kevin, even the cooks. Thank you for your service Kevin, and for everyone else today who serve in way more perilous conditions, under fire and in life and death conditions. Please don't boast on your heroic Naval service or your World Trade Center service, you were never in the face of real danger. Over
Yes - He's a piece of work. One day when I don't have anything more important to do than launder my underthings, I'll read up on him and see what he's been up to.
He never did more than remove the bullshit I cited from his website. Never qualified himself as "highly decorated" or walked it back. Just "disappeared" it. Nice.
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