I’m so fucking sick of the McCain campaign calling anyone not in lock-step with the Right un-American, anti-American, and unpatriotic.
Go here and listen to congresscunt Michele Bachman spew the guilt-by-association GOP mantra; then watch the counterpoint video.
How voters are buying off on this GOP shit is stunning – frightening.
Modus Operendi
The Republican Party’s MO is to lie about something enough and until their cerebrally-challenged supporters believe it. It’s stunning how people can believe the spew without so much as a question. On second thought, I suppose questioning what one’s leaders or candidates say would be unpatriotic and treasonous.
And so they go on and on about terrorist ties and guilt by association. Let’s talk about that for a minute.
What about Sarah Palin’s husband’s association with extremist secessionist group The Alaskan Independence Party (AIP). The AIP founder, Joe Vogler, had these gems of quotes:
"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government, and I won't be buried under their damn flag."
"My government is my worst enemy. I'm going to fight them with any means at hand."
"I hope we don't have to take human life, but if they go on trampling our property rights, look out, we're ready to die."
Todd Palin was a member of the AIP for some years.
Sarah wished the AIP well during a convention once upon a time, and even said, “Keep up the good work, and God bless you.”
Here’s a story by CNN. Spread the word.
I’m wrote my congressmen to complain. What did you do?
Another blogger was speculating that Michele Bachman is almost hoping to get voted out of Congress for her wingnut rhetoric. Then she can graduate to a talking-head position at Fox News.
Maybe she and Ann Coulter will start a new craze in right-wing lesbian porn. The only question I have is: Who will be the guy?
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