Perhaps needless to say, today’s Dumbass is denying everything. He’s even gone so far as to claim his indictment violates his constitutional right to legislative immunity. U.S. District T.S. Ellis III smartly refused to dismiss the indictment.
Amazingly, Mr. Dumbass has won a primary runoff last week. Are we voters that fucking stupid? Wait. Don’t answer that. It was rhetorical. Of course we’re that fucking stupid.
The way I look at it, the actions of our elected officials should be beyond reproach. Their actions should be that which keeps them clear of even the most minute appearance of impropriety. If your brother-in-law has a sister who owns a large foodservice business, don’t award her a contract to serve food in your jails and prisons. Shit like that.
And I don’t particularly care about their personal lives, as long as they’re living within the law.
This guy needs to just go away. He needs to throw in the towel and stop embarrassing himself and the citizens of Louisiana, has a long-time reputation as a breeding ground for corrupt politicians.
Here’s the indictment for those interested.
Good riddance to him. Louisiana sure does have its stereotypes and corruption and good old boys; sort of a "deep south" within the Deep South.
I agree. What is it with these arrogant fucks who think it's their right to remain in office?
Reading this reminded me of Mayor Marion Barry (sp?) ;). Now I have to google him to see who the fuck ran against him and lost :)
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