Loyal readers might remember a
post I did earlier in the year on former Eagle Pass City Manager Glen Scott Starnes.
He was
arrested for and charged with fraudulently obtaining a government job, and consequently
It seems the good Mr. Starnes now has a new job as City Manager of Grantville, Georgia. That’s in Coweta County, close to 50 miles southwest of Atlanta. He has conveniently stopped using his first name, opting to go by Scott Starnes instead.
Some of the claims on his resume that got him the Eagle Pass job:
- Assistant City Manger of Converse, Texas (Admitted to be false by Starnes as reported by the San Antonio Express News)
- Congressional Aide to former US Representative Jack Fields 1992-2002 (Fields reported never having him on the payroll, and none of his staff could confirm he ever worked as an aide)
- Three degrees from the University of Maryland at Rockville (According to the Express News, he amended the degrees in an email to have come from Rochville University. This is a well-known diploma mill that sells diplomas for work/life experience, and promises "no studies, no attendance, no waiting, and no examinations." According to the Express News, “Rochville University is listed on the Web site of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as being among the many suspect institutions ‘whose degrees are illegal to use in Texas.’”)
Interestingly, Starnes is also applying for the City Manager job in San Benito, Texas. His resume is there too (replete with poor grammar and format). He did amend his three degrees to have come from Rochville University, and not from the University of Maryland at Rockville. He has those degrees asterisked as follows “(Online/Honorary Degrees not acc-tx)”
1/23/2008 SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- The Eagle Pass City Council has fired its interim city manager, who admitted lying on his resume. Glen Starnes was initially defiant about his resume "fluffing," and the council appeared ready to back him and hire him permanently. But on Tuesday, council members voted to fire the 42-year-old manager. Starnes admits to having a "very shady past" but says he's been trying to change. Mayor Chad Foster says candidates to replace Starnes will be thoroughly vetted by an outside firm.
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If the fine people of Grantville choose to have someone of questionable ethics and honesty serving their city, that’s their choice. I just find it hard to believe anyone would after having done a little research into the guy.
I have no personal grudge against Mr. Starnes. Over recent years, I have simply become so fed up with public servants that I decided to start this blog as a combination hobby, place to vent, and public service. Mr. Starnes just happens to be one of the many public servants who has popped up on my radar.
There are just as many dumbasses in local government as there are in the federal government. A neighboring town is interviewing candidates for City Manager. They had it narrowed down to five finalists, and then all five of them turned the job down when they found out there was no severance package. The salary was huge, but these assholes wanted a guaranteed golden parachute in case they should get fired.
My personal solution has always been to not get fired.
Carlos, you are to be greatly thanked for exposing these con men and grifters.
I can't understand what the City of Grantville elected council members and leaders have on their minds by hiring Starnes.
Starnes is a number one dud who will ultimately cost that city lots of money and tons of embarrasment UNLESS they come to their senses and terminate him.
The City of Grantville Police Chief was the so-called background investigator for the dud Starnes and he stated that he had nothing but positive references Starnes had listed on his resume (appears to be a work of fiction) but personnel records indicate differently. Apparently, this Police Chief has not had the forethought to check into Starnes past because he would see that the Eagle Pass (TX) Police Chief is facing charges of helping Starnes evade justice back in January of 2008. Starnes turns anything he touches into a big turd and people are best to distance themselves from him.
It is advisable for the citizens of Grantville (GA) to be proactive and terminate Starnes instead of being reactive and trying to cover and clean up his impending messes he is creating now while serving the city!
I can appreciate your concern and I appreciate your comments that this is not personal. In addition I will forward to you some additional information on Starnes for you to consider putting in your blog, however, it might not all be bad.
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