Monday, February 18, 2013

Special Citizen Edition

This morning a local news channel asked this question on its Facebook page:

“On this Presidents' Day, we want to know:  If you could be President, what is one thing you would do?”

Here are some of the comments of the less cerebrally capable of our citizens.  Remember, the question was "one thing."  These people are idiots.

Stop Obamacare!!!!!

Quit giving so many foodstamps away, and some tighter conditions on the system

Ban illegals

bring honor and prestige back to the office

Approve the Keystone pipeline project on day one!

Uphold the Constitution!

I would cut congress pay and benefits instead of those of our troops!

Bring God back into the country

Read the Constitution and then FOLLOW IT!

Make drug testing mandatory for any type of government assistance.

Close our borders.

Re-define Welfare! Cut off welfare completly...sum ppl take advantage becuz they r too lazy to go to work...

Deport all illegals, close our borders, cut funding to prisons (make the inmates work for themselves)

Cut all unnecessary regulations, laws, and taxes. And institute a flat tax after kicking out everyone who isn't a citizen.

Get rid of all the regulatory bodies.

I would go back to the basics of the constitution.

Period. no more obamacare costs to much for what you get.

1 comment:

Snave said...

That's a pretty good laundry list!

Gotta get to all those things now! Their is to much too loose!!