Saturday, January 21, 2017

They're All Nucking Futs

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was sent to the White House Press Room by Herr Trump (Heil Trump!) to scold the media about misrepresenting the size of the crowds at yesterday’s inauguration.  He also said, “This was the largest audience to witness an inauguration. Period!”  And that it was “shameful and wrong” for the media to make that “misrepresentation.” 

Here’s what I think is shameful and wrong, Mr. Spicer:
1. The President talks about unity and serving all the people, yet offers no olive branch or words of inclusion in his inauguration speech. He is divisive, caustic, and unstable to the point that I don’t believe he is capable of finishing his term in office without some major internal government/Constitutional crisis.

2. The President spoke to the CIA today and talked more about himself and the media than he did about embracing the intelligence community, which serves us all, silently and honorably.

3. The fact that you had a press conference to whine about the media’s portrayal of crowd size.  It doesn’t matter how right or wrong the estimates were; what matters to me is that you have as poor judgment as Trump.  Would a sane person show their face to millions and millions of people and serve as a proxy crybaby for someone the likes of Trump over something so minor?  This administration’s pettiness is unnerving.  Grow the fuck up and start running the country, not trying to prove that you’ve got bigger dicks than the other guy?  Jesus.

You guys won. Stop the crying and fretting over little shit.  Serve us all, not just your constituency.  Compromise is critical if we are to function as a cohesive republic.

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