Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Local Edition

San Antonio City Council members were busted by local television station, WOAI, after the station’s “Trouble Shooters” team got a hold of councilmember internet logs.

It appears that these dedicated public servants have been surfing the internet during, yes during, city council meetings. Most of them were just fucking off, but one was actually using his city-furnished laptop to tend to a second job!

In this article, WOAI reported that councilman Chip Haas defended his checking out the New Orleans Saints Cheerleaders during a council meeting as:

“…researching New Orleans Saints things, trying to see if it was going to work in New Orleans or whether or not they would be looking for a home in San Antonio.” He went on to explain that some cheerleaders caught his eye so he “went on to view the rest of their site.”

Nice try Chippy; the Saints, according to WOAI, had announced their decision to return to New Orleans six months prior to your hunnysurfing adventure.

Haas spent time at other meetings viewing sports scores, banking, making golf reservations, and paying personal cell phone bills. Haas the brain surgeon defended his inappropriate use of city property at a meeting he was elected to pay the fuck attention to by saying that he only did his personal surfing when people addressing the council got off topic. Bullshit.

What really got me about Mr. Haas was his arrogant fucking tone and attitude when interviewed by WOAI (video link at the end of this rant).


Another councilman, Roger Flores, is reported to enjoy spending our money surfing model toy airplane sites, looking at sites that had information on parts for his Landrover, buying shoes and tennis equipment, and viewing Maria Sharapova’s web site. Oh, and he also likes checking out Motley Crue’s web site during meetings.

Flores defended his inappropriate use of city property by blathering this to WOAI’s Brian Collister:

“ ‘Folks need to understand that with the, I guess, how long these particular meetings are, that either you've already heard the information before, or that someone's asking questions that either you've already asked or you that you have no concern about,’ said Flores.”

“Collister then asked, ‘So, people shouldn't show up and try to express their opinions because you've already heard them?’ “

“ ‘No, I absolutely agree that they need to show up,’ answered Flores.”


Councilwoman Delicia Herrera used her laptop to shop for clothes during meetings.

Richard Perez researched South Texas rental properties.

Sheila McNeil made flight reservations and paid personal cell phone bills.

Dang...if these overworked dunces don't have enough time in a day, let's give 'em some more vacation time, or hire 'em secretaries!


Councilman Kevin Wolf used his city-provided computer to work his second job at Deacon Recruiting. Here’s Wolff’s lame-ass defense of his actions:

" ‘I sign on to my work e-mail and periodically check e-mails from the job that actually pays me,’ Wolff told us, adding he doesn't check his work e-mail a lot. He said he only checks it when he says it is during a staff presentations he's already heard.”

“Wolff said, ‘I'm not doing e-mail when it is something I haven't heard before. Otherwise, if it is something I've heard before, you bet, I got to support myself and my family, so I have to keep up with work, as well.’ "

Huh? Did I hear that right? Actually pays you? You’re the dumbass that ran for this position as a public servant. If you can’t fulfill the duties you were elected to carry out, get the fuck out of office, and I mean now.

While the other public servants’ use of their city provided laptops was inappropriate and unethical, Mr. Wolff’s actions in using a government computer system to conduct personal business is, in my opinion, tantamount to fraud, and is deserved of immediate dismissal.

Updated 9/22/07
Video Story
Kevin Wolff (No longer in office)
Chip Haas (No longer in office)
Roger Flores (No longer in office)
Sheila McNeil (No longer in office)
Delicia Herrera (No longer in office)
Richard Perez (No longer in office)


We sing we dance we steal things said...

Un fucking believable! I agree with you 100 percent, if they don't have the time, or want to listen, then they need to get the fuck out & let someone who actually cares do the job. You know the people that can afford to do it without getting paid. That pisses me off!
Thanks for the update by the way.

Carlos said...

I wrote the mayor after I posted this and, guess what...I got nothing back. Shocking.