Sunday, September 18, 2016


I am so very, very tired of people saying, “I think what Mr. Trump means,” skirting answering questions, and asking the voting public to disregard his erratic, caustic, divisive, rude-ass behavior and rhetoric to focus on his message.  His message?  The logic behind the latter is absolutely insane.  That’s like asking a jury to disregard a serial child molester’s crimes because he’s such a wonderful advocate for the poor.  Wow.

And to ignore the fact that he incited his now-base into a frothy feeding frenzy by continuously promoting a lie about the President of the United States is just plain fucked up.  I don’t care who the fuck started what, but if the son of a bitch can’t own something he did, and admit it was a mistake or whatever…well, fuck him. 


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